Hope for the Heavy Heart
It may be difficult to see, but the frame behind me holds God's fingerprint.
Go ahead, lean in close.
Can you see it?
It's there.
And just as His fingerprint is all over the verses found in the 66 books of the Bible that make up this framed print, His fingerprint is all over the book I hold in my hands and all over my involvement in it.
I'm in awe of His goodness in giving me the desire of my heart to write for Proverbs31 Ministries.
I'm honored that He would use my story, that He would use me to encourage women walking through hard stuff.
And I'm humbled to have my words featured alongside 43 incredible writers and sisters in Christ.
To God be the glory, forever and ever!
*Hope When Your Heart is Heavy is available for purchase on the Proverbs31 Ministries website. Grab your copy HERE .