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Featured Guest Blogger: Truly Yours, Jen

I am so excited to introduce the Pieces of Jessika© readers to my friend Jen of the Truly Yours, Jen blog. Jen and I met about a year ago through a writer's group. I was drawn to her honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity. When we got to meet face-to-face on a Bible study Zoom chat, I instantly connected with her. I felt like we had been lifelong friends.

Wednesday, on our Facebook Live Q&A Jen and I discussed God's unconditional love for us. We got lost in sharing the details of His relentless pursuit of us over the years. We recounted how despite our mistakes and shortcomings, His love freed us from our sin and shame and gave us new life. I hope you’ll consider catching the playback because there was simply too much good stuff to transcribe here.

Read on to learn more about this incredible woman and why I feel God orchestrated this collaboration here on the Pieces of Jessika© blog.

Jessika: Have you always wanted to be a writer? Tell us a bit about how God called you to writing.

Jen: I have loved to write for as long as I can remember. As an elementary student, I attended the Young Authors convention two years in a row and that is where my dream of becoming a published author really began. I have written blogs on and off since having my children and have really used it as an outlet for my thoughts and feelings.

Jessika: What is the inspiration behind the name of your blog, Truly Yours, Jen?

Jen: Well, that’s a great question. My first blog was "My Life Unedited," but that was ironic because I spent so much time editing every piece before it went live. My second was "My Life Set To Music." At the end of every blog post, I would include a song I loved that reminded me of what I was writing about. And my third, and current blog, is "Truly Yours, Jen." When I began this blog, I was more serious about becoming an actual writer. I had a dream of being published in a print publication before turning 40, and ultimately, to write a book - which is what I am working on now. My friend, Colleen, really helped me come up with the concept for this blog. I want my posts to be encouraging and uplifting, and to feel like you are hearing from a friend. That is where the title came from - Truly Yours, Jen. The tagline is Truly Loving, Truly Forgiven, Truly His. I hope the words I write share the love of Christ. Truly Loving. I hope the words I write tell the stories of the grace and redemption I have experienced in my life. Truly forgiven. I hope the words I write point others to God and His unending love. Truly His. And that they feel like you are receiving a letter from a friend. Truly Yours, Jen.

Jessika: What is the mission of your blog, Truly Yours, Jen?

Jen: The mission of my blog and writings is authenticity. Life is hard and we all make mistakes. I have made more than I can count. I want others to know they aren’t alone in their struggles and their mistakes in life. I have traveled down roads I never thought I would travel down, and God has forgiven me for much. I want people to know nothing they have done excludes them from His grace and mercy and love. The world may be at times harsh and full of judgment, but God is not. I don’t ever want to come across as someone striving for perfection, but as someone who falls and gets back up and tries again. There is goodness all around us. Even in our moments of pain and struggle. I hope to encourage others and to point them to that goodness.

Jessika: What can readers expect from your piece that will be featured on Pieces of Jessika©? Can you give us a teaser? Who is the piece to? What is it about?

Jen: In the Bible, John refers to himself as “the one Jesus loved”. What would it look like if we began to see others through this lens? What would it look like if we embraced this title for ourselves? You are the one Jesus loved. I am the one Jesus loved. How would this change our interactions? How would this change our perceptions? How would this impact our self worth if this was the label we lived and breathed and interacted and loved from? You. Me. Us. We are the ones Jesus loved.

Jessika: What is one thing you want readers to take away from your writings?

Jen: They are loved. They are precious. They are not alone. And nothing they have done, or do, will take away God’s love.

Be sure to check back Saturday to read Jen's exclusive piece for the Pieces of Jessika© readers. In the meantime, you can read more of Jen's pieces by subscribing to her blog Truly Yours, Jen, or following her on facebook or instagram.


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